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Self-Love February: What do you love most about yourself?

Self-Love February: What do you love most about yourself?
Writer and expert5 years ago
View aitchisonm's profile

Self-Love February: The Finale

So, after a February of exploring all things self-love, we’re drawing to the end of our month of ‘me’. From asking what it is, to how to do it, we’ve celebrated all things self-appreciation, and we’ve been involving some of our favourite active women too.

To support this self-love campaign, we’ve been asking these female powerhouses; what does self-love mean to you? And we’ve had some pretty incredible responses.

To help you channel your inner Aphrodite, we’ve collated some of our favourite responses that this strong amalgamation of women have given us, and we hope you find it as inspiring as we do!

What do you love most about yourself?

“I’d have to say patience and being flexible. Flexibility takes all shapes and forms, whether it’s physical or being able to adjust quickly to changes in the atmosphere or whatever life throws in your direction. And lately I’ve added focusing on my spiritual health in addition to being physically healthy.” – Traci Copeland, Nike Master Trainer

Instagram: @traco4

"What I love most about myself is my absolute love for exploring and new adventures, and my inability to never stop dreaming, no matter how big." – Tameka Small, Nike Training Club Trainer

Instagram: @tamekasmall

“I think what I love most about myself is my ability to know there are always better days ahead when things don’t look so great, and learning to become honest with myself and listening to that inner voice…looks wise, I would say my crooked smile!’ – Yasmine Elizabeth, Self-Love & Fitness Advocate

Instagram: @_yasmineelizabeth

“I love my resilient spirit, I love doing things people never told me I could!” – Jemma Lewis, Ultra Runner

Instagram: @thisgirlcanrunfar

“I love being happy and content in my own skin, really finally confident, it’s amazing. It’s the best feeling ever. To love every part of me without looking at my body with “flaws”, I have accepted and learnt to embrace myself to live a much happier life!” – Leila Silva, Body confidence and self-love blogger

Instagram: @healthier_leila

"I love being happy and confident with my imperfections. They are the things that make me, me." – Jade Palmer, Nike Master Trainer

Instagram: @jadeashleypalmer

“I love my nose. It used to be my biggest insecurity, but I’ve really learnt to accept the face I’ve been blessed with and instead I choose to love it. Because without my nose, I just wouldn’t look or feel like me.” – Tally Rye, Personal Trainer and Youtuber


“I love my body and I’m grateful for it. It gave me my son ❤️ It also gives me the freedom to run and dance and move!" – Adrienne London, Personal Trainer, Adidas Global Ambassador and Inspirational Speaker.

Instagram: @adrienne_ldn

“I love how strong I am now. I’m mainly talking about physical strength but I think through getting stronger physically I’ve become stronger mentally… or it may have been the other way around haha, a bit of a chicken or the egg dilemma!” – Kim Ngo, Trainer & DJ

Instagram: @kimmayco

We hope you've enjoyed Mio's Self-Love February as much as we have and we hope it's inspired you to appreciate yourself as much as you should!

Catch up on Self-Love February

How to love yourself / What does it mean to love yourself? / The ultimate Self-Love Bodycare Routine

Writer and expert
View aitchisonm's profile